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Covid-19 Virus Response

In times like this we are all refugees. Adapting to this crisis will take creativity on all fronts, and we are doing our best to rise to the challenge. While art may not be the first thing we think of as we worry about health and sustenance, let’s not forget to also keep our souls nourished. Children, especially, should be encouraged to get their feelings out ‘on paper’. Art heals.

For that reason, The Art of Saving Humanity is busy gathering grab bags of art supplies and coordinating local pickups. We have a finite supply and want to give to as many people as possible, so please feel free to reach out through our contact form if you would like art supplies for a project, but keep in mind that we are rationing and doing the best we can with what we have. Supplies are available for pickup only from Seattle, apologies for this inconvenience.

Be kind. Take care of one another. If nothing else, this crisis will remind us that we are one world. We are all in this together as human beings. Borders, race, religion, politics - none of these societal constructs separate our humanity. Going forward, let’s create a world that reflects this.

In light of a pandemic that threatens us all equally, let’s not miss the opportunity to create the kind of change that can truly save humanity.

Earlier Event: November 1
Grantwriting Workshop Part 2
Later Event: June 19
Public Art Award!